Monday, June 27, 2011

This week I made a trip to Springwools in walkinstown with my Mum and aunts ( featured left). I'd heard of Springwools and was a fan of theirs on facebook but never got around to popping over.
So over we went and after mad directions from my Aunt, we walked into what can only be described as an Aladdin's cave of wool.They had every kind you could possible want and before we knew it our baskets were overflowing.
I fell in love with some chunky wool called indie which I'm going to use to make some cool scarfs and mittens because chances are were going to have another mad winter like last time. So stockpiling scarfs isn't such a mad idea... ok ok I'm justifying spending a fortune on wool =(
But look at these bright colours double knit, they were on sale for €2..60, Mum says there too bright for baby cardies but I'd put my little one in them. Maybe I'm just mad though. I'm also going to try knitting or crocheting them into bobbles i think they'd look lovely as decorations

Last but not least check out my amazing scarf I knit it from Rico Loopy, it comes in amazing colours, some vintage, some ultra bright and some plain, you knit it by folding it back on itself, took a few mins to work out but after a quick glance at a youtube tutorial by blacksheepwool I was sorted. it also comes in another style called Rico CanCan, which is less loopy obviously. More of a ripple effect, I'll post up some photo's when I finish it.

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